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Site/Ad Issues
Published 01/04/2021 @ 11:45:51, By antp
:confused: That is weird, I don't see what could prevent it from working
(except maybe if your browser does not execute the Javascript of the page because it thinks it is still loading, due to something taking forever to finish?)

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Site/Ad Issues
Published 01/04/2021 @ 20:28:21, By night cub
It's very strange. I usually use Chrome on my laptop, it was working normally when I started added vehicles last night, then stopped. It's adding extra numbers.

Here's an example of what comes up when I click on the picture:


So I tried it in Firefox and did not have the same problem. So it does appear to be a Chrome issue. I also tried it on the PC I have and the same thing happened in Chrome.
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Published 02/04/2021 @ 08:17:57, By antp
I tested in the Chromium build from yesterday and it works...

Where are these numbers written? If it is on the page shown after you upload a picture, they have always been there (or maybe they're shown just to me? These are debug info for the auto resize)
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Published 02/04/2021 @ 08:39:53, By night cub
They're the numbers in the picture location box
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 02/04/2021 @ 10:42:10, By antp
Can you make a screen capture of what it looks like?

Do other people have also that problem?
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Published 02/04/2021 @ 11:20:05, By night cub
Here's an example:

Full screen shot of Edit page:

Cropped pic, so you can see it better:
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 02/04/2021 @ 16:15:37, By antp
So it probably displays the coordinates correctly in the box (I didn't get that, sorry), probably truncated at a given length, but the weird thing is that it provides values with a decimal part instead of integer number.

I suppose it is a new thing, but it is strange to have non-integer pixel coordinates.

I added a "Math.round" to the code, hoping it solves the issue, can you test again? (since I don't have the problem, I can just see that I did not break it on my PC :D)

Latest Edition: 02/04/2021 @ 16:17:11
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 02/04/2021 @ 22:58:14, By night cub
That seems to work. Thanks! Very strange that it started in the middle of a group that I was working on, some of the first vehicles I posted that night worked as usual.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 03/04/2021 @ 12:29:09, By antp
It was not even after a restart of the browser? (i.e. after an update)
It is even weirder then...
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 25/04/2021 @ 18:28:38, By chicomarx
Aren't there a lot more pop-up ads on the forum than before? When clicking on a thread I actually have to close a full window ad sometimes.
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Published 26/04/2021 @ 01:04:09, By chicomarx
This kind of thing:
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Published 26/04/2021 @ 07:30:29, By antp
That's normally once per session.
This is done by Google, not sure why, but as I don't handle the technical part of the forum I can't do much, but it was not explicitly added by the one who handles the forum.
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Published 27/04/2021 @ 21:42:26, By walter.
Ultraslow right now, can't do nothing anymore.
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Published 27/04/2021 @ 21:43:54, By dsl
^ Agreed.
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Published 27/04/2021 @ 22:14:31, By night cub
Ditto, ditto
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Published 28/04/2021 @ 02:48:04, By night cub
Still super slow, 4 hours later
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Published 28/04/2021 @ 05:12:41, By night cub
Another 3 hours and it's still crawling
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Published 28/04/2021 @ 09:17:32, By antp
Weird. And of course now it works so I'm not sure what was the problem... except probably too many requests, maybe indexing bots.
Is the overload due to indexing bots less common since I applied the change suggested by chicomarx on last page?
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 28/04/2021 @ 09:22:01, By night cub
It hasn't been slow like today for a while, so I think it's working. This slowdown lasted a good 8-9 hours.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 03/05/2021 @ 03:31:06, By night cub
Site was working fine until a few minutes ago. Now very slow. 8:32pm EST-US
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 13/05/2021 @ 00:24:11, By night cub
Site is super slow right now. 17:25 EST-US
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