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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 22/11/2017 @ 23:54:27, By laurent 31OOO

i've seen documentary "el chapo" on youtube. at the 34:10 i can not identificate the cars. Can you help me please?
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 23/11/2017 @ 01:13:04, By Baube
there is a bunch of them on YT, it could be helpful to know which video we should look at :wink:

Latest Edition: 23/11/2017 @ 01:14:45
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 23/11/2017 @ 21:52:41, By laurent 31OOO
You can find the video at this URL:

or it put the picture, it more easy :smile:
File: el_chapo_cars.jpg ( 233.5 KB - 768 )

Latest Edition: 23/11/2017 @ 21:54:52
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 24/11/2017 @ 03:29:37, By Baube
1 Jeep ( Cherokee or Wagoneer, i'm always having trouble with them in those years )

2 1980 Mercury Cougar XR-7
3 1980 Chevrolet Malibu
4 Mercury Marquis
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 24/11/2017 @ 12:03:37, By antp
(I deleted the duplicate threads, in case you wonder why you get a notification about a deleted topic)
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 24/11/2017 @ 16:19:14, By laurent 31OOO
thank you very much. what is the fifth please? knowing that we can see it better in the next segund.At the 34:11 precysely.
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 24/11/2017 @ 16:49:29, By laurent 31OOO
Perhaps pontiac le man 1980?
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 24/11/2017 @ 16:56:34, By Baube
5 is AMC Concord

Latest Edition: 24/11/2017 @ 16:59:07
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 24/11/2017 @ 23:08:48, By laurent 31OOO
Thank you.You are too strong.
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 25/11/2017 @ 00:10:31, By Reg1992
Thank you.You are too strong.

What? :lol:
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identificate cars in doctumentary "el chapo"
Published 26/11/2017 @ 09:43:00, By antp
I guess it is a direct translation from French, where the word used for "strong" can also be used as "good at something" :wink:
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