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what movie is this qoute from?
Published 12/04/2019 @ 01:34:48, By kocka
Two characters male and female are on a parking lot. They see some bad guys in a car and they quickly enter the guys BMW e30 316. The woman is nervous like 'what we gonna do?' and the guy says something like 'Relax, this is a BMW'. He then proceeds to make a few skilled maneuvers and they make an escape. Can't remember anything else but I think it was british tv. Must be 15-20 years ago but that scene always stayed at back of my mind and I though to myself as a kid 'What is that mythical machine called BMW?' LOL
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what movie is this qoute from?
Published 13/04/2019 @ 16:20:34, By atom
I've tried this site but I couldn't find anything:
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what movie is this qoute from?
Published 13/04/2019 @ 18:51:58, By kocka
Maybe he said 'This is a BMW' don't actually remember the little details as it was so long ago and I've searched for that scene for some years now still to no success
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