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Old Movie - Five Days in Sinai (1968)
Published 22/11/2019 @ 18:22:01, By Sharpdressedman
I was watching this old film the otherday on one of the digital channels. Near the beginning of the movie, the hero of the film, meets up with the rest of his friends at a cafe/bar,from where they drive off into the desert to prove how good they are at driving.

Four cars leave the lot, they are all pretty scruffy. The first is a black MGA with 3 guys in (this is a 2 seater sports car), the 2nd is possibly a late 50's Ford, maybe a T-Bird, followed by another American car, plus the side view of a forth.
Has anyone else seen it, I had to give up on the film because the acting was so rubbish, but the cars, trucks & tanks in the movie are the main interest.
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