Cars & Movies » TimCougar's Cougar Featured on The Autopian
TimCougar's Cougar Featured on The Autopian
Published 27/05/2023 @ 17:59:58, By CougarTim
Last year a new car site was founded by two former Jalopnik writers, Jason Torchinsky and David Tracy: the Autopian.
I was invited to have my Cougar showcased in the Autopian's 'Member Rides' feature recently and the article is now up:
Latest Edition: 27/05/2023 @ 18:00:45
I was invited to have my Cougar showcased in the Autopian's 'Member Rides' feature recently and the article is now up:
Latest Edition: 27/05/2023 @ 18:00:45
TimCougar's Cougar Featured on The Autopian
Published 27/05/2023 @ 19:58:53, By night cub
Cool! Congrats on the feature!
TimCougar's Cougar Featured on The Autopian
Published 28/05/2023 @ 01:58:51, By Baube
I love the Cougar design in the side window ( i don't think i ever saw this somewhere else.. )
And this little buddy . I've seen this kind of things mostly on Road Runner ( keychains, plush toys, and about everything you can think of.. ) in car shows and it always hook a 2-mile wide smile on my face..
Finally, the fact that it still looks this great for a nearly 50 yo survivor is just awesome .

I love the Cougar design in the side window ( i don't think i ever saw this somewhere else.. )
And this little buddy . I've seen this kind of things mostly on Road Runner ( keychains, plush toys, and about everything you can think of.. ) in car shows and it always hook a 2-mile wide smile on my face..

Finally, the fact that it still looks this great for a nearly 50 yo survivor is just awesome .

TimCougar's Cougar Featured on The Autopian
Published 28/05/2023 @ 14:55:11, By Exiv96
Nice car !
Is that a cartoon character ? I thought perhaps a Lion King figurine, but it looks a bit off for that. Is it from the same era as the car ?
Is that a cartoon character ? I thought perhaps a Lion King figurine, but it looks a bit off for that. Is it from the same era as the car ?
TimCougar's Cougar Featured on The Autopian
Published 29/05/2023 @ 03:57:05, By Baube
i don't think its from a cartoon.. at least not from the ones i know..
TimCougar's Cougar Featured on The Autopian
Published 30/05/2023 @ 01:13:12, By CougarTim
Is that a cartoon character ? I thought perhaps a Lion King figurine, but it looks a bit off for that. Is it from the same era as the car ?
Nope, not a cartoon and not period-correct. Just a handmade cougar figurine keychain; I bought it from an artist who makes them.

TimCougar's Cougar Featured on The Autopian
Published 30/05/2023 @ 13:45:56, By rjluna2
Very nice article, Tim