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not remembering login?
Published 03/08/2006 @ 19:15:55, By wickey
in last few days every time I come to Forum site I have to login again and again.. before that autologin works for me correctly.. where should be a problem? :sad:
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not remembering login?
Published 03/08/2006 @ 20:35:28, By antp
I have that problem too... and the maker of the forum is searching why :grin:

Latest Edition: 03/08/2006 @ 20:42:02
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not remembering login?
Published 03/08/2006 @ 20:48:18, By zion
And currently, I'm not having any problem with the autologin by myself, sorry :spamafote:
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not remembering login?
Published 03/08/2006 @ 20:58:59, By Bebert
Même pb pour moi aussi! Et encore à l'instant.
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not remembering login?
Published 03/08/2006 @ 21:13:38, By antp
Maybe something to test: using instead of the URL
I changed that on the site, we'll see if it works better...
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not remembering login?
Published 03/08/2006 @ 21:20:48, By zion
I've made a modification to the users handling, it might solve the problem.

We'll see in a few days if it's going better :wink:
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not remembering login?
Published 03/08/2006 @ 21:43:16, By jplemoine
Ben... On verra bien. Mais pour moi, ce soir, il a fallu que je me "relogue". Pas bien grave...
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not remembering login?
Published 04/08/2006 @ 00:09:52, By wickey
looks like it works :smile: thx
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not remembering login?
Published 03/09/2006 @ 21:24:03, By keef
Seem to be having hat problem as well :sad:

A few more annonymous posts :smile:
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not remembering login?
Published 03/09/2006 @ 21:45:03, By antp
The problem seems resolved since that time, as I never had the problem again. But I use and not the old opencommunity URL.
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not remembering login?
Published 03/09/2006 @ 21:46:42, By keef
R right I'm usin' opencommunity URL
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not remembering login?
Published 04/09/2006 @ 22:02:11, By keef
oc URL is one given on homepage link. Should this be changed?
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not remembering login?
Published 04/09/2006 @ 22:29:19, By antp
If I did not forget any link, the site redirectls only to, there is no "opencommunity" link remaining there.
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not remembering login?
Published 05/09/2006 @ 08:05:58, By keef
Yep, works now; have you recently changed this?
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not remembering login?
Published 05/09/2006 @ 10:18:22, By antp
Some changes were made by the creator of the forum one month ago, and for an unknown reason it was not working with the old URL. That's why at that time I switched to the other URL.
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