General » Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
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Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 16/12/2023 @ 17:13:26, By antp
I suppose that it is because Ø is sorted after Z in language that use it, but not always for Å.
I don't know for Đ though, it should be between D and E apparently.
It is quite difficult to define a perfect international sort order, here we rely on what MariaDB does for the "utf8mb4_general_ci" character encoding
I should check if utf8mb4_unicode_ci" or even "utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci" works better, I missed that one, it is supposed to be better with various language but a little more complex for the server.
The advantage of now using the "utf8mb4" version over the classic "utf8" (or even the "iso-8859-1" used on the site before the update) is that we can already use emojis in makes & titles. This may be useful some day
These can also be used in comments, I don't recall if it was working before, but now it seems to work fine.
On Windows you can enter emojis via Win+; shortcut.
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 17:21:33
I don't know for Đ though, it should be between D and E apparently.
It is quite difficult to define a perfect international sort order, here we rely on what MariaDB does for the "utf8mb4_general_ci" character encoding

I should check if utf8mb4_unicode_ci" or even "utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci" works better, I missed that one, it is supposed to be better with various language but a little more complex for the server.
The advantage of now using the "utf8mb4" version over the classic "utf8" (or even the "iso-8859-1" used on the site before the update) is that we can already use emojis in makes & titles. This may be useful some day

These can also be used in comments, I don't recall if it was working before, but now it seems to work fine.
On Windows you can enter emojis via Win+; shortcut.
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 17:21:33
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 16/12/2023 @ 17:37:19, By antp
I unlocked changes on the site, so feel free to use the site as normal, but please report any error that you see or strange behaviour.
I'll try to fix that as soon as possible.
You may need to log out / log in again if you are missing some links/features (edit links for example). If your password is not recognized, you may need to reset it. The reset function works fine (I tested it myself :D) but if you encounter a problem with it do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail.
Admins: You can update the titles if you want as I explained above (do not forget to put the "Transliterated title" attribute to a title when moving it to the alternative titles, it can be useful later).
Non-admins: You will be able to help later if you want; tomorrow or in the next days I'll try to think of a way to submit data for mass-update in a efficient way.
In the meantime, please do not post comments to request adding/changing titles, or it will generate a lot of extra work for the admins.
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 17:41:53
I'll try to fix that as soon as possible.
You may need to log out / log in again if you are missing some links/features (edit links for example). If your password is not recognized, you may need to reset it. The reset function works fine (I tested it myself :D) but if you encounter a problem with it do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail.
Admins: You can update the titles if you want as I explained above (do not forget to put the "Transliterated title" attribute to a title when moving it to the alternative titles, it can be useful later).
Non-admins: You will be able to help later if you want; tomorrow or in the next days I'll try to think of a way to submit data for mass-update in a efficient way.
In the meantime, please do not post comments to request adding/changing titles, or it will generate a lot of extra work for the admins.
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 17:41:53
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 16/12/2023 @ 18:02:29, By antp
One more new feature that I forgot to mention: a country can now be selected for a movie, displaying a small flag beside the title on the movie page. Like for the car origin, this should be the origin (production) country of the movie, not especially where it is filmed.
The country info is stored with the original title, so set it after switching alternated & original titles if you don't want to set it twice
(or set it on the alternate title before switching).
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 18:20:23
The country info is stored with the original title, so set it after switching alternated & original titles if you don't want to set it twice

Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 18:20:23
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 16/12/2023 @ 18:35:18, By Parzival49
If non-admins want to help, I'll also give an explanation on how to submit me a list of changes for mass-update (to avoid posting comments on each movie).
Sorry for my last unclear expression, and this is the answer to my question
Thanks antp

Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 16/12/2023 @ 19:05:47, By walter.
I've noticed this error message while validating this title:
I assume the system can't recognize titles containing * or symbols like this?
Do we have to fill or fix the country of origin of every new contribution before validation then?
Don't want this to be a controversial opinion but I'm afraid this new addition will add some overall mess and extra work to the site. It's surely an interesting feature but it's just a mild welcome from me for now.
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 19:14:56
I assume the system can't recognize titles containing * or symbols like this?
Do we have to fill or fix the country of origin of every new contribution before validation then?
Don't want this to be a controversial opinion but I'm afraid this new addition will add some overall mess and extra work to the site. It's surely an interesting feature but it's just a mild welcome from me for now.
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 19:14:56
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 16/12/2023 @ 19:20:41, By antp
I'll check, it is probably not related to the title but just a bug due to some other change.
edit: fixed, it is a small bug for the justwatch widget that occured only on entries without IMDb number.
The country can be set by the contributor when he creates the movie page. You are not forced to set it when validating, it is just a bonus for those who want to set it, as anyway we have thousands of movies on the site without country info.
Maybe I could force it for new entries but there is the risk of wrong info if the user does not know which country to put...
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 19:31:11
edit: fixed, it is a small bug for the justwatch widget that occured only on entries without IMDb number.
The country can be set by the contributor when he creates the movie page. You are not forced to set it when validating, it is just a bonus for those who want to set it, as anyway we have thousands of movies on the site without country info.
Maybe I could force it for new entries but there is the risk of wrong info if the user does not know which country to put...
Latest Edition: 16/12/2023 @ 19:31:11
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 16/12/2023 @ 20:06:50, By rjluna2
That is really a nice upgrade for a quite long time
Not too shabby for almost 20 years old coding/engine here

Not too shabby for almost 20 years old coding/engine here

Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 16/12/2023 @ 23:20:16, By Jale
Can international title be added also on the list of last completed movies? Now it's quite hard to guess, what's hiding under the non-latin inscriptions...
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 02:05:27, By Jnglmpera
The new change makes me wish I had admin status, if only so I can go back and add the Japanese (among other languages) titles for all my previous entries...

Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 02:25:00, By Andre Malraux
Holy cow, what a stupid and useless change! I prefer to understand something, when I see the list of the last completed movies, instead of seeing all those hieroglyphs.
I'm sure most people think like me, but they don't have the courage to tell it. Because - isn't it? - the site's owner is always right.
I'm sure most people think like me, but they don't have the courage to tell it. Because - isn't it? - the site's owner is always right.
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 03:28:51, By Jnglmpera
Based on most comments on this thread, and a previous thread, I believe it's the other way around, and you're in the minority... >I'm sure most people think like me
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 04:44:33, By Andre Malraux
I speak in the name of the silent majority. Which, as I already said, doesn't have the courage to say what it thinks.
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 05:59:55, By Jnglmpera
Well I'll just leave this quote from Hiroyuki Nishimura here... "Isn't that just your opinion? (それってあなたの感想ですよね?)"
Especially since it seems to me you're appealing to a crowd that may or may not exist; without backing the claim of the alleged silent majority up.
Latest Edition: 17/12/2023 @ 06:05:37
Especially since it seems to me you're appealing to a crowd that may or may not exist; without backing the claim of the alleged silent majority up.
Latest Edition: 17/12/2023 @ 06:05:37
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 06:24:04, By Andre Malraux
Do you really think the European, North American, Latin American, Canadian or Australian users wish the movies' titles to be written in characters they don't understand?
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 06:30:07, By Baube
when i don't understand it , i just click on it and get the translated title . To me its not a big deal
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 06:43:13, By Andre Malraux
Is that possible? Even if it is, why must I be forced to click on it, instead of having it in Latin letters?
Anyway, I also like to make an idea about how the title of a movie sounds, in the original language. And, of course, I can do that only if it's in Latin characters. This is the best thing for making these languages more popular and the people more interested in them. Who knows? Maybe I even learn a little Japanese.
Latest Edition: 17/12/2023 @ 06:44:19
Anyway, I also like to make an idea about how the title of a movie sounds, in the original language. And, of course, I can do that only if it's in Latin characters. This is the best thing for making these languages more popular and the people more interested in them. Who knows? Maybe I even learn a little Japanese.
Latest Edition: 17/12/2023 @ 06:44:19
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 07:33:44, By Andre Malraux
Well... It doesn't matter, really, it was just an opinion... Don't let me stand in your way... If it's OK for you, it's OK for me.
But I propose to go to the next level: everybody must write in his maternal language. I think it's more correct like that. Why should impose them the English?
Like that, the chaos will be complete. Wouldn't be nice?
But I propose to go to the next level: everybody must write in his maternal language. I think it's more correct like that. Why should impose them the English?
Like that, the chaos will be complete. Wouldn't be nice?
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 09:02:53, By antp
when I see the list of the last completed movies, instead of seeing all those hieroglyphs.
Don't worry, later today I'll add the international title as tooltip in the last completed list, that will help. And in the next days I'll add an option for users who prefer to display the International title in priority to the original title when only one can be shown.
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 09:12:41, By pchetv
Doubling my post from IMCDb here. I'm also not really happy of new changes. Now instead of romanized title we'll have the bunch of hyeroglyphs and other exotic signs in 'Last completed' section
I hope IMCDb will not be ruined like IGCD
Latest Edition: 17/12/2023 @ 09:15:21

Latest Edition: 17/12/2023 @ 09:15:21
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 12:38:45, By antp
I don't get what is the interest of romanized titles, most of the times it looks like a bunch of random characters if you don't know the language
As I said, I'll add an option to have the international title instead of the original ones in places where both can't be displayed.

As I said, I'll add an option to have the international title instead of the original ones in places where both can't be displayed.
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 17/12/2023 @ 13:20:43, By Lateef
I prefer it the way it was. There are no such special characters displayed in the headers over at IMDb so I don't see the interest in having it here. The special characters should be reserved for the AKAs in my opinion.