General » Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
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Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 18/12/2023 @ 16:42:22, By electra225
Now it is much better
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 18/12/2023 @ 16:44:24, By electra225
I am quite the guy who does not like to change bur now you can put the movie's origin (the state) and, if I, looking for a certain movie, make a mistake taping, the site offers me the full list of similar titles. FANTASTIC !!!
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 18/12/2023 @ 21:55:05, By POn
cause we have IGCD where you can edit listing, can we get the same feature for IMCDb?
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 18/12/2023 @ 22:29:12, By marisawataihennamonowonusundeikimashita
I only just joined this site but forced romanization of foreign languages on websites (especially regarding metadata of movies, songs,etc) is the worst thing i know
I'm happy about this change as well as the flag displayed on movie pages, probably not practically useful in terms of identifying vehicles in a lot of movies, but really neat if it's added as a filter in the movie Search section..

Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 19/12/2023 @ 03:21:13, By dhill_cb7
I am getting an error.
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown column 'movietitleint' in 'order clause' in /var/www/imcdb/search.php:309 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/imcdb/search.php(309): mysqli->query('SELECT SQL_CALC...') #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/imcdb/search.php on line 309
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown column 'movietitleint' in 'order clause' in /var/www/imcdb/search.php:309 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/imcdb/search.php(309): mysqli->query('SELECT SQL_CALC...') #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/imcdb/search.php on line 309
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 19/12/2023 @ 03:31:19, By Baube
I, looking for a certain movie, make a mistake taping, the site offers me the full list of similar titles. FANTASTIC !!!
it does ? i have to test that new feature ! You guys don't know how many times i got enraged about typing again because one letter was either missing or wrong ..

Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 19/12/2023 @ 05:04:35, By RushCars24ID
Honesty, again, disagreed, I'll be upvoting the non-latin titles to be forever in AKAs instead of main title. I am waiting for the planned optional international title switch setting option here. My actual original intention and promise for that feature was the main titles SHOULD'VE gone like this by default:
"[Transliterated Title Here] ([International Title Here])", NOT "[Non-Latin Title] ([International Title Here])", with as already mentioned before, an optional setting toggle that switches to "[International Title Here] ([Transliterated Title Here])".
I think it's okay to keep the transliterated title in the main title as what they used to be in this site over decades, instead of moving to AKAs or completely removing them entirely, let's say that was a long trademark feature for our site. Doesn't matter if people might care to read those transliterated titles or not, placed in the main titles. For me, I don't mind on ignoring those being placed there and I just read them normally very often so I'm very fine on reading these transliterated/romanized titles.
Additionally, as already mentioned in my previous post here; the non-latin titles should be instead hidden inside the transliterated titles as some kind of a display option where if we hover our cursor to the transliterated titles, it shows the non-latin ones inside. If that display option implemented, the AKA section won't be a mess anymore.
Surprised to see nobody has suggested non-latin country language localization for the whole site, that would've been a great opportunity to make those non-latin titles to be exclusive to those language options.
Latest Edition: 19/12/2023 @ 05:45:28
"[Transliterated Title Here] ([International Title Here])", NOT "[Non-Latin Title] ([International Title Here])", with as already mentioned before, an optional setting toggle that switches to "[International Title Here] ([Transliterated Title Here])".
I think it's okay to keep the transliterated title in the main title as what they used to be in this site over decades, instead of moving to AKAs or completely removing them entirely, let's say that was a long trademark feature for our site. Doesn't matter if people might care to read those transliterated titles or not, placed in the main titles. For me, I don't mind on ignoring those being placed there and I just read them normally very often so I'm very fine on reading these transliterated/romanized titles.
Additionally, as already mentioned in my previous post here; the non-latin titles should be instead hidden inside the transliterated titles as some kind of a display option where if we hover our cursor to the transliterated titles, it shows the non-latin ones inside. If that display option implemented, the AKA section won't be a mess anymore.
Surprised to see nobody has suggested non-latin country language localization for the whole site, that would've been a great opportunity to make those non-latin titles to be exclusive to those language options.
Latest Edition: 19/12/2023 @ 05:45:28
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 19/12/2023 @ 07:20:01, By antp
I am getting an error.
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown column 'movietitleint' in 'order clause' in /var/www/imcdb/search.php:309 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/imcdb/search.php(309): mysqli->query('SELECT SQL_CALC...') #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/imcdb/search.php on line 309
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown column 'movietitleint' in 'order clause' in /var/www/imcdb/search.php:309 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/imcdb/search.php(309): mysqli->query('SELECT SQL_CALC...') #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/imcdb/search.php on line 309
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 19/12/2023 @ 07:25:12, By antp
the non-latin titles should be instead hidden inside the transliterated titles as some kind of a display option where if we hover our cursor to the transliterated titles, it shows the non-latin ones inside.

For someone so annoying about original titles of movies I don't get why you only want their non-original latin version rather than their true original title.
I'll soon (when I've some time) add an option for doing like IMDb, having the international title displayed by default as it can be easier for most of the people.
For the transliterated title I'll see later what I can do. I was not planning to add it as an option for default title, as it would complexity the code.
Except if a lot of people want it, they would just stay with the aka titles (there is no reason to remove these transliterated titles though, they are still useful for searches).
As already said about the transliterated titles, I don't really see the point of being able to read a series of letters that have no meaning at all if you don't know/understand the language from which they come.
let's say that was a long trademark feature for our site.
Like for IMDb, it was just due to the fact that the site was running on old code from the time there was no proper unicode support.
Latest Edition: 19/12/2023 @ 07:30:56
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 20/12/2023 @ 07:51:38, By antp
One change I noticed is when searching for movies, you now get exact matches and similar matches, which is good. However, I noticed that you can no longer arrange the titles by year, which is something that I found useful.
For example, I was looking for a title called "Rage", 1966, and a long list appears. To see if it is already listed under a different original title I like to change the view to "Year".
Fixed this one, on the search page with similar titles result I added a link to directly switch to classic search and a second link to switch to year sorting, so in one click you can get that change directly

Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 23/12/2023 @ 12:05:43, By antp
I added an option for those who want to display in priority the international title over the original title.
You can find it on the profile page.
I'll maybe also later add an option for those who prefer to have the transliterated title over the original one. How many people are in that case, in addition to RushCars24ID?
You can find it on the profile page.
I'll maybe also later add an option for those who prefer to have the transliterated title over the original one. How many people are in that case, in addition to RushCars24ID?
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 23/12/2023 @ 14:52:41, By atom
I would prefer the transliterated titles for non-latin titles if it's not to much hassle.
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 23/12/2023 @ 15:03:23, By antp
It is some additional work (more than the option I already added, but the basis for it is there now), but I can put it on the to-do list for a near future.
The problem is when there are multiple transliterated titles. Either we put only one, in a specific field (like the original & international titles) or I take the first found among those listed. That's also a reason why I prefer original titles: there are often different romanisations possible, with or without dashes, etc.
Beside that, I did some additional minor fixes on the comments page (and some others), mostly related to movies & vehicles links, hoping I did not introduce bugs
(I fixed one about archived movie comments, that nobody seems to have noticed).
The problem is when there are multiple transliterated titles. Either we put only one, in a specific field (like the original & international titles) or I take the first found among those listed. That's also a reason why I prefer original titles: there are often different romanisations possible, with or without dashes, etc.
Beside that, I did some additional minor fixes on the comments page (and some others), mostly related to movies & vehicles links, hoping I did not introduce bugs

Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 23/12/2023 @ 21:12:06, By night cub
Something that the Search that is not working is searching for partial words. For example, I was looking for the movie "Bedazzled". Before I was able to just type in "bedaz" and and the titles with that letter sequence would show up, now it gets zero results. I had to type the entire word in to get results.
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 24/12/2023 @ 09:57:17, By antp
Yes the "similar title" search works on full words, but with the added links "Not finding what you want?" at the top right of the search results you can quickly switch back to the old search system where it works.
If you want, I can add an option in the profile to use the old one by default (now that I added an option system).
I assume that visitors / new members would usually type the whole title, but not always exactly correctly, so for them that similar title search works probably better.
Latest Edition: 24/12/2023 @ 09:58:22
If you want, I can add an option in the profile to use the old one by default (now that I added an option system).
I assume that visitors / new members would usually type the whole title, but not always exactly correctly, so for them that similar title search works probably better.
Latest Edition: 24/12/2023 @ 09:58:22
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 24/12/2023 @ 10:23:12, By night cub
No, being able to do the classic search should be sufficient for me.
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 26/12/2023 @ 21:01:15, By Lateef
I've noticed that Škoda no longer has Czech origin automatically assigned.
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 27/12/2023 @ 09:32:40, By antp
Good catch, I forgot to update the list of default makes: previously it was internally as Skoda and the accent was only added when displaying the make.
edit: actually I did, but it seems to have issues comparing škoda to Škoda (default make list is all lowercase)
Latest Edition: 27/12/2023 @ 09:34:01
edit: actually I did, but it seems to have issues comparing škoda to Škoda (default make list is all lowercase)
Latest Edition: 27/12/2023 @ 09:34:01
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 01/01/2024 @ 07:47:22, By Parzival49
I am getting an error.
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception:.......
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception:.......
I also encountered this error recently
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded) in /var/www/imcdb/yourcomments.php:192 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/imcdb/yourcomments.php(192): mysqli->query(' SELECT SQL_CAL...') #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/imcdb/yourcomments.php on line 192
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 01/01/2024 @ 10:47:12, By antp
If you see a message with "max_statement_time exceeded" like this it just means that the query took too long.
This can happen with more difficult requests, like comments searching (like here, I suppose, as it is in the comments page) or the searches that involves very long list to display (all movies or all vehicles).
Especially at moments when the site has a lot of people on it.
Usually it works if you retry shortly after (except if there is really a lot of load on the site).
One of the next points of my to-do list is to improve that by limiting by default the comment search the most recent ones (with of course a link to search in older ones if needed), as most of the time what we need is in the first results.
Latest Edition: 01/01/2024 @ 11:33:56
This can happen with more difficult requests, like comments searching (like here, I suppose, as it is in the comments page) or the searches that involves very long list to display (all movies or all vehicles).
Especially at moments when the site has a lot of people on it.
Usually it works if you retry shortly after (except if there is really a lot of load on the site).
One of the next points of my to-do list is to improve that by limiting by default the comment search the most recent ones (with of course a link to search in older ones if needed), as most of the time what we need is in the first results.
Latest Edition: 01/01/2024 @ 11:33:56
Site update: unicode support for movie titles and vehicle makes/models
Published 05/01/2024 @ 23:02:43, By Lateef
Renault Mk field is displayed differently since the update. Previously it was a simple hard '1' that would display in thumbnail view as well, now it's the standard 'Série 1' as displayed with other French cars.
I noticed this when I added this Mégane:
The ones listed as Megane (w/o accent) have kept the old Mk display, such as this one:
I noticed this when I added this Mégane:
The ones listed as Megane (w/o accent) have kept the old Mk display, such as this one: