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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 13/04/2016 @ 09:59:32, By ingo
As my mother-in-law will stay for a while in a heart-diseas-hospital in Eastern Westphalia and we will visit her as often as possible, I've looked for sights around there. So I have found pictures of an abandoned car-museum.
@130rapid: IIRC you have tried to go there on the way back from the Techno Classica, where we have met. It was already closed then.
I have been there many years ago, in the early 80ies as a child.
I've found out, that it was closed in 2007 for renovation and should heve been reopened in 2008. But this never happend, the owner went also into bankrupcy. As I read in the comments on local websites, noone knows really, what up there, if the owner is still alive or -as others say-, that the mesaum ist already sold (allegedly to a French WWII-veteran, but it's unclear, if that's true and if yes, if this old man is also still alive).
So the museum (all vehicles are still standing there) and especially the stuff outside rots to death since 9 years and noone know, if and how anything will go on.
A plenty of photos unter this article:
photos, made a few weeks before its closing:
@130rapid: IIRC you have tried to go there on the way back from the Techno Classica, where we have met. It was already closed then.
I have been there many years ago, in the early 80ies as a child.
I've found out, that it was closed in 2007 for renovation and should heve been reopened in 2008. But this never happend, the owner went also into bankrupcy. As I read in the comments on local websites, noone knows really, what up there, if the owner is still alive or -as others say-, that the mesaum ist already sold (allegedly to a French WWII-veteran, but it's unclear, if that's true and if yes, if this old man is also still alive).
So the museum (all vehicles are still standing there) and especially the stuff outside rots to death since 9 years and noone know, if and how anything will go on.
A plenty of photos unter this article:
photos, made a few weeks before its closing:
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 13/04/2016 @ 14:43:00, By Sandie
Funny to think something as valuable as a 300 SL gullwing possibly being left to rot there.
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 13/04/2016 @ 15:25:58, By Purzel89
Oh my god! Thank you ingo! You made my day.
I was in exactly that museum as a kid. But i totally forgot where this exact museum was. My only memories where the red brick floor and that red amphicar. This is awesome! Ingo, how can i thank you for finding this treasure?
I am absolutely sure that it was this museum, because my mom was in a health clinic in Bad Oeynhausen for some months.
EDIT: The building was sold to the company Teuto Defence Germany. All things outside are still there and those things inside the museum are mostly gone. Would be interesting to know what happened to the Gullwing-SL.
Latest Edition: 13/04/2016 @ 15:34:18
I was in exactly that museum as a kid. But i totally forgot where this exact museum was. My only memories where the red brick floor and that red amphicar. This is awesome! Ingo, how can i thank you for finding this treasure?
I am absolutely sure that it was this museum, because my mom was in a health clinic in Bad Oeynhausen for some months.
EDIT: The building was sold to the company Teuto Defence Germany. All things outside are still there and those things inside the museum are mostly gone. Would be interesting to know what happened to the Gullwing-SL.
Latest Edition: 13/04/2016 @ 15:34:18
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 29/05/2016 @ 06:13:07, By Ddey65
Hey, I spotted this old pic from 1973 of what looks like an older Triumph washed up on Jamaica Bay.
If I'm wrong, what is it?
If I'm wrong, what is it?
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 29/05/2016 @ 12:51:05, By dsl
Yes a Spitfire. Headrests would normally make me think Mk3, but steering wheel looks earlier.
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 30/05/2016 @ 15:30:54, By Raul1983
I think I also visited the Bad Oeynhausen museum when I was a kid (some time in the 90's)
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 01/10/2016 @ 19:52:39, By ingo
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 23/04/2017 @ 23:37:00, By Sandie
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 22/01/2018 @ 19:45:16, By Sandie
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 24/01/2018 @ 17:44:50, By antp

Latest Edition: 24/01/2018 @ 17:45:02
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 26/01/2018 @ 13:06:09, By rjluna2
Here is an article on the barn find at Ferrari, Cobra worth $4 million found in condemned NC garage
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 31/01/2018 @ 20:10:42, By rjluna2
Vehicles found at Survivor Muscle Cars Tucked Away In Iowa!
Latest Edition: 31/01/2018 @ 20:10:56
Latest Edition: 31/01/2018 @ 20:10:56
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 09/02/2018 @ 13:20:57, By rjluna2
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 09/02/2018 @ 20:01:17, By dsl
Thanks. The SP250 was nearly a good car - an excellent engine, lightweight fibreglass body, rest of it decently engineered. Was intended to be a big seller in US, but never hit buttons properly. Not "the ugliest sports car ever made", but no great beauty either - compare the Sunbeam Alpine - launched at same time, with similar ambitions of cracking the US market and similar styling themes but translated with cleaner lines without the Daimler's eccentric affectations. Result - a sales success in US and elsewhere. Moral of the story - make pretty cars, and they'll usually sell even if the oily bits come from a Hillman Husky.
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 11/02/2018 @ 20:35:11, By Raul1983
Abandoned Subaru dealership in Malta:
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 16/04/2018 @ 13:45:31, By _ZLAT_
This Renault 11 3-door Hatchback, 1987 stands in the parking lot in my neighborhood. This pink metallic color looks rather strange.

Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 29/05/2018 @ 13:14:31, By rjluna2
Found an interesting article at World's Luckiest Mechanic Nabs Stolen, Abandoned 1,400 Mile Toyota MR2 for $500.