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Hoi seung fa with English subtitles on DVD
Published 28/05/2009 @ 02:07:38, By ytypes
I would like to obtain a copy of the file "Hoi seung fa" with English subtitles on DVD (unless there is an English spoken laguage version out there).

Does any one know how I can get a hold of one? My interest is in the inclusion in this film of an MG Y Type.

All help appreciated.


File: hoiseungfa.jpg ( 126.0 KB - 557 )
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Hoi seung fa with English subtitles on DVD
Published 28/05/2009 @ 06:04:14, By badlymad
AFAIK, there is no version of the DVD with English subtitles (the copy that I used to get the pictures actually came from the public library, and had Chinese subtitles only.)As with most of the more obscure and older Chinese movies, the best bet is to probably acquire a copy of the film online such as from this site: The MG only appears in the prelude to the movie's titles.

Latest Edition: 28/05/2009 @ 06:12:56
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Hoi seung fa with English subtitles on DVD
Published 28/05/2009 @ 06:15:06, By ytypes
Thanks badlymad - that is a real shame!

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