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Identify This Car
Published 04/01/2010 @ 07:23:06, By APS221

Can you please identify this car? It's from a TV show called "The Secret Life of the American Teenager." I'm no expert on 1960s and 1970s muscle cars. It looks to me like an early to mid-1970s Plymouth Barracuda. Can anyone confirm my identification?
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Identify This Car
Published 04/01/2010 @ 09:55:20, By badlymad
Looks like a 1973-1974 Plymouth Roadrunner.
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Identify This Car
Published 04/01/2010 @ 21:52:31, By APS221
Thanks for your help.
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Identify This Car
Published 13/01/2010 @ 15:15:03, By petrmotors85
Hello, can you tell me, what car is this? I think, it´s Buick,but...
THX ...
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Identify This Car
Published 14/01/2010 @ 11:14:17, By petrmotors85
Thank you Lateef.

Latest Edition: 17/01/2010 @ 17:20:52
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Identify This Car
Published 14/01/2010 @ 13:11:37, By ingo
Sorry, all pics are "Forbidden"
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Identify This Car
Published 14/01/2010 @ 13:40:50, By antp
copy/paste link, or reclick "go" button at the right of the url on the page which says it is forbidden

edit: and as I said on the other topic,

1 = Ferrari 400/412
2 = Chevrolet I think

Latest Edition: 14/01/2010 @ 13:41:24
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Identify This Car
Published 14/01/2010 @ 18:48:00, By atom
5 = Volvo, dont know the model but could be a 740/760/940/960 or even an 850.
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Identify This Car
Published 14/01/2010 @ 19:17:35, By ville84
4. Range-Rover of some sort

Latest Edition: 14/01/2010 @ 22:51:41
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Identify This Car
Published 14/01/2010 @ 19:43:53, By badlymad
3. BMW 7 [E65]
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Identify This Car
Published 15/01/2010 @ 15:24:25, By petrmotors85
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Identify This Car
Published 16/01/2010 @ 08:27:28, By subzero
Hey, can anyone identify this car please? (This is NOT from a game!!! Taken from a gaming site, that is from a real car)

thanks a lot

Latest Edition: 16/01/2010 @ 08:29:22
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Identify This Car
Published 16/01/2010 @ 19:00:26, By Sandie
Definitely a Jag. I'd say post facelift S-Type.
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Identify This Car
Published 16/01/2010 @ 19:48:38, By ingo
Now I have got a question. What's for a car on the right side: ds=gera

The photo was made in 1967 in Gera/GDR.

I thought about an Austin A 40 or a Humber, but I haven't found a similar car in the database. I think, it's for sure something British.
The missing trunk and the small lid behind the plate -for the spare tire? - have irritated me quite much.
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Identify This Car
Published 23/01/2010 @ 00:35:24, By antp
If it is for posting on imcdb, it is easier to add them as unknown, they will be identified there faster than here :grin:

Latest Edition: 23/01/2010 @ 00:35:43
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