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New categories for TV stuff
Published 11/07/2012 @ 19:45:14, By G-MANN
Discussion started here:

I listed it as a TV Show because at 40 minutes it's not really a TV movie (even IMDB seems to list it as one) and it's only a one-off, not a series.

But is it a reality-show or kind of documentary, or a fictional story? In the later case it should be listed as TV movie.

Yes, it is fiction, it's a comedy done in the style of a TV documentary program. But it's only 40 minutes and it's not really a movie at all

As I've said before, "TV Show" is really too vague a category (it can mean anything that's made for television). We need new, more specific categories. I'd describe this as a "TV Special" (because it's only one episode) And why not just have categories for Reality TV series and Documentary series? Or just "Non-Fiction TV series".

"TV Show" category is mostly for Reality TV + Game Shows + Top-Gear-like shows. I do not know how to name it more properly. It is your language, I am open to suggestions
For this particular one, isn't Miniseries a good category? Even if there is only one episode...

Reality-TV would be a good alternative to TV-Shows. Maybe there could be a TV-Special or One-Off-Special category for things like this

That could be grouped with the series: it is a one-of made from a series

Why can't we just have TV Special? That would be the best description for this.

And we could just list reality TV shows etc. as "TV series" because they still are filmed as a series. But I get the feeling you want to seperate them from dramas and comedies. So how about "Non-Fiction TV series"?

Also I recommend a "Video" category for things like the Clarkson DVDs (because calling them "Documentaries" is a bit laughable)

By the way, I think "series" and "program" are British terms whereas Americans tend to say "show".

Latest Edition: 11/07/2012 @ 19:48:14
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 11/07/2012 @ 19:51:51, By antp
Main kinds of contents:
- fiction, which includes movies & series. Can be animated or not, TV or not.
- non-fiction: documentary & "tv-shows" for things like top gear, reality shows, etc.
- music videos

I know that "TV show" is a bad name (it is a literal translation from French), but TV special is not better, it seems even less explicit to me... And something like that Alan Pardrige special should rather be somewhere with the series and TV movies than with the non-fiction stuff.
The main question is how to name that non-fiction not-documentary category, we'll see later where to put the case of a special fiction show.

Latest Edition: 11/07/2012 @ 19:52:46
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 11/07/2012 @ 19:56:51, By G-MANN
Right, so your main intention is to seperate fiction and non-fiction?

So TV Special isn't specific enough? Well, the only thing I can think of is having the categories "TV Special: Fiction" and "TV Special: Non-fiction".

Personally I think it would be simpler not to worry about this and just group Top Gear, reality TV etc. under TV Series. If you're not sure whether something is fictional or not, just go to IMDB or ask the contributor.

Latest Edition: 11/07/2012 @ 20:03:47
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 11/07/2012 @ 21:11:59, By owlman
Even though the terms "TV Show" and "TV Series" are mostly interchangeable in many parts of the world (I don't have a better name idea), antp has spelled out the intent for these two categories so many times in comments and in the forum that it shouldn't still be an issue. :2501:
(I would say an explanation of TV Show/Series should probably be added to the "Add a Movie" page)

For the Patridge special, TV Movie seems good enough to me.

It won't always be a perfect fit, but I don't think there are enough of these types of TV or Video releases to warrant a new category.

My two cents :smile:
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 11/07/2012 @ 21:25:11, By G-MANN
TV Show is still not a good name.
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 11/07/2012 @ 22:30:00, By antp
The rules of what is accepted is very different between the usual fiction productions and the non-fiction ones (documentaries & "tv shows").
Also, the latter one is more a "case-by-case" decision of what is accepted or not: it is the limit of what we accept on the site, so I like to keep these separated. We made the error of including them at first, now by keeping them in separate categories it allows to filter a little more what we accept or not.

Maybe "talk/reality shows" ? Though that it does not seem to fit so well for stuff from that category... 9

Latest Edition: 11/07/2012 @ 22:31:12
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 11/07/2012 @ 22:40:38, By G-MANN
Most straightforward thing I can think of is just to say it's Non-fiction - "Non-Fiction TV Series" or just "Non-Fiction TV".

I noticed someone listed the sitcom McHale's Navy as a TV Show (I've changed it to TV series) - see how some people have found this category name misleading.

Latest Edition: 11/07/2012 @ 22:49:03
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 12/07/2012 @ 17:17:15, By owlman
^^ I like that idea, "Non-Fiction TV" :plusun:

It fits for talk shows, reality shows, TV documentaries/news, and shows like Top Gear or Mythbusters.
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 12/07/2012 @ 18:02:18, By antp
Indeed, unless someone comes with a better name, I think it will fit well.
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 12/07/2012 @ 22:26:02, By G-MANN
And what would we list something like that Alan Partridge program as? (which is a TV special and fiction)

By the way, last night I went through the list of TV series and changed some to "TV Show" (reality TV, documentary shows etc.). I've probably missed some, I just skimmed over the 21 page list and picked out ones that I recognised or could tell weren't fiction.

Latest Edition: 12/07/2012 @ 22:30:28
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 12/07/2012 @ 23:37:26, By antp
Why not "mini series", even if there is no "episodes" ? As it is for short things series-like but with less episodes.
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 13/07/2012 @ 00:34:21, By G-MANN
Because it just doesn't make sense when there's no more than 1 episode. I can tell you don't want to bother making a category for TV Special so perhaps TV movie is the best compromise.

Latest Edition: 13/07/2012 @ 00:48:17
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 13/07/2012 @ 23:45:08, By chicomarx
+1 for a Direct to Video category, which imdb also has - simply as "V".

I'm not sure about subdividing TV in too many categories. Why Non-Fiction TV when there's a documentary category? Top Gear is fine as "TV-Series" IMO, and talk shows and reality are not allowed anyway.

Alan Partridge: Welcome to the Places of My Life is listed as "TV" which is perfectly sufficient. You could just change "TV Show" to "TV".
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 13/07/2012 @ 23:50:32, By antp
and talk shows and reality are not allowed anyway.

But for the few that are on the site, we should have a distinct category
And there is not only Top Gear: we have several car shows like that.

Alan Partridge: Welcome to the Places of My Life is listed as "TV" which is perfectly sufficient. You could just change "TV Show" to "TV".

As I said, I do not see the point of having one more category for rare cases like that: there is not real interest of having these listed separately.
Same for direct-to-video: can't these be considered as real movies? The production of these is not so different...
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 14/07/2012 @ 17:41:39, By G-MANN
I was just talking about a category for things like the Clarkson DVDs, I'd still keep the direct-to-video movies listed as movies.
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 16/10/2012 @ 20:21:01, By antp
Better late than never, I renamed "TV Show" to "Non-fiction TV".
For the French version I kept "Show TV" as (to me) in French it describes well that category.
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New categories for TV stuff
Published 18/10/2012 @ 20:11:57, By G-MANN
Noticed these two programs got grouped in this category when they aren't non-fiction, but they still aren't a series: (pilot episode for a series that never got picked up) (listed as "video" on IMDB)

Oh well, instead of getting antp to create even more categories, I'll change K9 & Company to "Short Movie" (it must be about 30 mins or so) and with Triple Scotch and Wry, I looked it up and I can't tell whether it's a compilation video of sketches from the Scotch and Wry TV series and or a special video release with new material. This page says it's 90 mins. For now I'll list it as "Movie Made for TV" (although it's direct-to-video)
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