Misc » Weird car-related dreams
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Weird car-related dreams
Published 05/03/2019 @ 14:13:14, By Baube
Last night i had a dream. I was the owner of a silver 1975 Chrysler Cordoba . Must be a winter dream because all it did was sitting under the light of my garage ( which i don't have either )
Weird car-related dreams
Published 04/06/2019 @ 17:10:43, By Baube
last night i dreamed that i was the owner of a Mazda Miata Coupe but mine was longer at the back and had small suicide doors like the Saturn ION coupe . I was participating in some weird contest where i had to drive all across the city to find some answers to a questionnaire. I was with my girlfriend ( or wife, not sure ) and our daughter ( around 5 years old, which is even more strange as i'm a single without kids ) and we ended up at a Ford dealership which had aisles of food in it ( either you can make your grocery at Ford now or it was part of the contest ) . Woke up there, i don't know if even funier things were to be found or if it was the final stop of the contest
Latest Edition: 04/06/2019 @ 17:11:46
Latest Edition: 04/06/2019 @ 17:11:46
Weird car-related dreams
Published 23/08/2019 @ 06:25:29, By k20lover199
I remember a couple of months ago, I had a dream where I was in my university's parking lot, and got into my car (a grey 2005 Acura RSX). I then looked into my mirror, and backed into a tan 2007 Suzuki XL7. As I was backing into it, the front end was crumpling and the windshield shattered. Inside was a teenage girl who was knocked unconscious from the hit. The police and paramedics came and started catering to the girl and the SUV. A female police officer came to my door and asked me if I needed to go to the hospital for a check-up, in which a declined. After she left, I got out and assessed the damage to my car. All there was was a slighted scratched bumper and a cracked taillight lens. I got back in and drove away.
Weird car-related dreams
Published 06/12/2019 @ 03:23:10, By Baube
Last night in my dreams i was driving a rallye race car ( i think it was a Subaru ) then i turned somewhere thinking it was part of the race and all i was doing was running in circles while the race continued on the good track.
I did very decent lap times but didn't gained any position...
I did very decent lap times but didn't gained any position...

Weird car-related dreams
Published 26/03/2020 @ 21:03:42, By rjluna2
Last night, I dreamt that there was a metallic blue car with wide beltline crease similar to ZAZ-968 Zaporozhets except it was a two seater sedan body style. I look at the front end and it has covered headlights that matches the metallic blue body colour. There was no bright trim anywhere of the car. Finally I see the white decal at the front, it says 'Steiner' at the left side lip of the boot. Under the left covered headlight, I also see the white decal saying 'Baguette'. So, I was seeing Steiner Baguette car
That was it.
Probably I was thinking about the new make at http://imcdb.org/vehicle_1364445-Steiner-420.html yesterday.

Probably I was thinking about the new make at http://imcdb.org/vehicle_1364445-Steiner-420.html yesterday.
Weird car-related dreams
Published 26/03/2020 @ 23:11:25, By Baube
A few nights ago i had a weird dream . I was at a roller coaster with my girlfriend ( funny, in about every car related dream i have a girlfriend while i'm single in real life
) . The particularity of that roller coaster is that you were driving on it with your own vehicle . I had an old Hyundai Excel ( ok, every Excel is old now.. that one was about 1988-1989 ) .
So, we were on the ride with the Excel and near the end the tracks were separated , me and my girlfriend went lower like the Excel's body was just a shell with an escape pod like in the movies while the Hyundai itself went somewhere else and ended up in a pack of old other cars.
I knew i had to part ways with the Excel at some point but i was mad at my girlfriend for insisting to go in that ride ( in the dream she hated the car while i loved it ) . Once we were out of the roller coaster there was also other guys mad at their girlfriends for making them scrap their beloved cars in that ride too
Latest Edition: 26/03/2020 @ 23:12:25

So, we were on the ride with the Excel and near the end the tracks were separated , me and my girlfriend went lower like the Excel's body was just a shell with an escape pod like in the movies while the Hyundai itself went somewhere else and ended up in a pack of old other cars.
I knew i had to part ways with the Excel at some point but i was mad at my girlfriend for insisting to go in that ride ( in the dream she hated the car while i loved it ) . Once we were out of the roller coaster there was also other guys mad at their girlfriends for making them scrap their beloved cars in that ride too

Latest Edition: 26/03/2020 @ 23:12:25
Weird car-related dreams
Published 07/06/2020 @ 06:31:00, By caravan
I had a dream once about the character Ben Matlock from the TV series Matlock (played by Andy Griffith) was driving through an intersection.
Now if you've seen that show you know he always had a silver Ford Crown Victoria with grey leather. Both the 80s and early 90s versions. The newest he had was a 1993 or 94. Well in this dream he was driving a 1998-2011 model, but still in silver with grey leather. He kept grinning and waving and driving around the block over and over and then I woke up.
Latest Edition: 07/06/2020 @ 06:32:06
Now if you've seen that show you know he always had a silver Ford Crown Victoria with grey leather. Both the 80s and early 90s versions. The newest he had was a 1993 or 94. Well in this dream he was driving a 1998-2011 model, but still in silver with grey leather. He kept grinning and waving and driving around the block over and over and then I woke up.
Latest Edition: 07/06/2020 @ 06:32:06
Weird car-related dreams
Published 29/08/2020 @ 14:41:42, By Baube
Last night i dreamed i was playing a Gran Turismo-like game . The 1st race was taking part on a farm or something like that. You could grab random stuff and throw it to the other cars to slow them down or damage them... but they could do same to yours..
Just for fun, any real game that could be similar to that ( except Mario Kart )?
Just for fun, any real game that could be similar to that ( except Mario Kart )?
Weird car-related dreams
Published 07/09/2020 @ 15:59:53, By Baube

Short dream but in it they had a Pontiac version called Catalina..

honestly, i'm a little bit surprised that they never actually had a Pontiac one ( Catalina or any other name )
Latest Edition: 07/09/2020 @ 16:00:21
Weird car-related dreams
Published 15/10/2020 @ 00:15:20, By Baube
I dreamed that i was visiting some kind of interactive car museum and there was random questions about cars popping up here and there that , if you wanted , you could answer to . If you chose so, there was an evaluator that followed you all across the museum and gave you points according to your answers.
But the one who was following me kept substracting points because i kept taking off my mask...
come on.. i don't have enough to wear that thing in real life i have to do it in dreams too now ?
But the one who was following me kept substracting points because i kept taking off my mask...
come on.. i don't have enough to wear that thing in real life i have to do it in dreams too now ?

Weird car-related dreams
Published 15/10/2020 @ 14:21:22, By rjluna2
I guess that the COVID-19 pandemic crept into your dream

Weird car-related dreams
Published 11/12/2020 @ 19:21:50, By Baube
i had a weird dream.. i was shot at by gangsters because i dared to watch them climb in their car... but honestly, they could have picked a more discreet vehicle... they had a flat lime green 1985 Hyundai Stellar ... convertible !
I mean, really convertible, to the point that they took off the windshield and the A-Pillars ..
Latest Edition: 11/12/2020 @ 19:23:11
I mean, really convertible, to the point that they took off the windshield and the A-Pillars ..

Latest Edition: 11/12/2020 @ 19:23:11
Weird car-related dreams
Published 04/01/2021 @ 08:30:37, By ingo
Just a few minutes ago I woke up, after I dreamt, that I've seen on a large boulevard in Paris, how a 1998 Ford Fiesta with a plate from Heidelberg, driven by two bearded morons, bumped by entering a parking lot into the back of a 1972 K 70, unoriginally repainred in tiefseegrün with Tunisian plate.
The morons in the Fiesta escaped, and I met the K 70-owners, a very elegant young couple with a bunch of high-priced suitcases, and I tried to explain them on French, that I can help them with parts.
Before they answered, I woke up.
The morons in the Fiesta escaped, and I met the K 70-owners, a very elegant young couple with a bunch of high-priced suitcases, and I tried to explain them on French, that I can help them with parts.
Before they answered, I woke up.
Weird car-related dreams
Published 04/01/2021 @ 22:04:09, By _ZLAT_
I don't know why, but sometimes I see dreams that someone is stealing or damaging my Mercedes
. Literally this night I saw dream that someone had stolen and drowned my W124
. Maybe I'm too worried about my car
Latest Edition: 04/01/2021 @ 22:05:42

Latest Edition: 04/01/2021 @ 22:05:42
Weird car-related dreams
Published 05/01/2021 @ 00:38:50, By Baube
if its the one you use as your avatar i hope it stays only a dream because its a beautiful car..

Weird car-related dreams
Published 05/01/2021 @ 09:39:50, By _ZLAT_
if its the one you use as your avatar i hope it stays only a dream because its a beautiful car..

Thanks, Baube

Yes, it is exactly this car

Weird car-related dreams
Published 07/01/2021 @ 16:09:05, By Baube
nice, i always like that color, as well as the green one ( coupe pictured but was also available on the sedan )
two nights ago dream : i was parked in a big shopping mall parking lot and saw 4-5 late 70's Chrysler LeBaron/Dodge Diplomat .They were far away from each other and from me but i decided to walk anyway to take the pics . then , while i was walking in the first one's direction i saw some old lady going the the other one, then an other old lady to the next one and it goes again until they're all gone and i got no pics...
if ever its a premonitory dream , i'm taking no chance, i'll take my car , it walks faster than me..
Latest Edition: 07/01/2021 @ 16:10:12
two nights ago dream : i was parked in a big shopping mall parking lot and saw 4-5 late 70's Chrysler LeBaron/Dodge Diplomat .They were far away from each other and from me but i decided to walk anyway to take the pics . then , while i was walking in the first one's direction i saw some old lady going the the other one, then an other old lady to the next one and it goes again until they're all gone and i got no pics...
if ever its a premonitory dream , i'm taking no chance, i'll take my car , it walks faster than me..

Latest Edition: 07/01/2021 @ 16:10:12
Weird car-related dreams
Published 08/01/2021 @ 16:20:03, By _ZLAT_
... two nights ago dream : i was parked in a big shopping mall parking lot and saw 4-5 late 70's Chrysler LeBaron/Dodge Diplomat ... i saw some old lady going the the other one, then an other old lady to the next one and it goes again until they're all gone and i got no pics... if ever its a premonitory dream , i'm taking no chance, i'll take my car , it walks faster than me..

Sometimes old ladies can be really fast

It reminded me a case when I and my friend were driving along the highway from Kiev in the direction of Chernigov a year ago. I saw a long-abandoned Chrysler New Yorker and wanted to photograph it. I stopped my car for this. Such cars are very rare in Ukraine. And just recently I drove along the same highway, but the car was gone. I hope the owner of this Chrysler gave it to be restored

Weird car-related dreams
Published 09/01/2021 @ 12:16:10, By Gamer
The Ukraine is filled with so many pre-1990s Western cars - with Soviet plates even - you'd think it was always independent.
This is one of my personal favorites:
About two years ago I remember seeing this exact car on sale, but it was standing in a barn, abandoned. I recognize it by the cheap plastic hubcaps.
And even some Rootes crap for dsl:
Latest Edition: 09/01/2021 @ 12:22:51
This is one of my personal favorites:
About two years ago I remember seeing this exact car on sale, but it was standing in a barn, abandoned. I recognize it by the cheap plastic hubcaps.
And even some Rootes crap for dsl:
Latest Edition: 09/01/2021 @ 12:22:51
Weird car-related dreams
Published 19/02/2021 @ 15:18:07, By rjluna2
Last night, I dreamt that I traded with rusty green SAAB 99 (my first car) with early 1970s Oldsmobile Cutlass convertible. It is cyan-like blue colour and it only have two seater. I drove this car, but can't seem to control steering and/or braking. I keep going off the road skidding around barely touching the gas pedal (it is automatic transmission). Somehow I end up at somebody's driveway
That was it.