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Published 06/06/2024 @ 07:48:38, By antp
Well indeed if you applied a +25% zoom on the site, the admin pages look enormous :grin:
But it is actually the "public" pages that are rather small and should maybe originally be written bigger for most of the people :smile:
The thing is that it is not only smartphone vs desktop, but also that on both the user can change the global font size, independently from the image resolution.
I've on my to-do list the idea to allow to define a different size for the "public" pages like you can do with the admin pages, and try to have something more coherent. But it is not easy with that old HTML code that I cannot change too much (otherwise people will say it was better before).

Latest Edition: 06/06/2024 @ 07:49:51

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Published 25/06/2024 @ 07:48:11, By antp
I made a small change to handle older comments the same way as the recent ones. Years ago HTML was allowed in comments, which can be quite messy, so I converted the HTML of old comments to BBcode so now all are managed the same way.

I also had to mass-replace some dead smilies in comments: at a moment people were using smilies from a site that changed their structure, so instead of a small 16x16 smiley these comments had a huge generic crying smiley occupying the whole screen. I replaced these by a block like this:
[dead external link to a smiley]
(not very pretty, but it is explicit)

Latest Edition: 25/06/2024 @ 07:52:26
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Published 25/06/2024 @ 13:41:57, By rjluna2
This is to do on my list to change that smiley that took the whole page to another link that works (the d'oh smack at the head) smiley I posted some time ago.
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Published 25/06/2024 @ 14:39:23, By antp
:smile: I should maybe have kept the original smiley name for easier replacement. If you search on the text I mentioned earlier in your old comments, you can still find all the smilies to replace :wink:
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Published 26/06/2024 @ 19:37:31, By rjluna2
That's okay :smile:

The current active site that has smacking to the forehead:

Maybe we need our own smacking to the forehead :think:
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Published 26/06/2024 @ 20:34:09, By antp
For static smilies they could be uploaded like comment pictures, but for animated ones indeed there is no solution. I should maybe add some smiley some time :smile:
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Published 01/07/2024 @ 08:20:09, By antp
I'll soon disable the site for a few minutes, to change something in the database to try to solve the issue of delay when posting new comments at peak times.

edit: maintenance in progress

Latest Edition: 01/07/2024 @ 08:32:10
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Published 01/07/2024 @ 08:54:13, By antp
It takes longer than expected. On the test database the last step only took a few seconds, on the real database it is busy since several minutes, I don't know what it is doing...
(I took a backup before all of that, just in case, so I can always recover everything from that)
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Published 01/07/2024 @ 09:10:28, By antp
I had to force restarting the database service, it seems to be OK now, I re-enabled the site, but I'm keeping the site read-only for some time (one hour or so) to be sure all works.
Please reporting anything strange that you notice (if you notice that all seems OK after browsing the site for some time, you can report it too).

Latest Edition: 01/07/2024 @ 09:11:49
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Published 01/07/2024 @ 09:31:01, By antp
At the same time, I'm also updating the https certificates, as it was still using those from the old server, which expire within 2 weeks. There should not be visible change for that, but again if you notice something, don't hesitate to report it here.
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Published 01/07/2024 @ 10:44:48, By antp
I'll switch back the vehicle table to the old system, as it seems to have performances issues. I'll investigate that later.
Keeping the comments table with the new structure, as it was the one causing more slowness.
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Published 01/07/2024 @ 10:52:15, By antp
I unlocked the changes, I hope it will work fine now, we'll see how it behaves compared to before when the site has some load due to the bots.

The "all comments" page seem slow when going to the older pages, but that's maybe something that has not much interest anyway: only recent pages are useful there, I assume that nobody browse that beyond the pages of the last few days.

Maybe I should simplify the pagination there and remove the pages after the "..." as it is not useful to see that there are more than 60k pages of comments anyway :grin:

Latest Edition: 01/07/2024 @ 10:56:35
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Published 01/07/2024 @ 11:24:46, By antp
Restarted the database service to change a setting, it may be slow for a few minutes.
By default it uses 128 MB for the cache of the InnoDB tables (the new format used), but that server has 32 GB memory with 75% unused, so it should make use of all that memory :grin:

Latest Edition: 01/07/2024 @ 11:27:56
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