Cars & Movies » Identifying comics cars
Identifying comics cars
Published 16/10/2014 @ 23:34:41, By Mark99
I took this pics from one of my comics. Most of these cars aren't well visible, because they're in the half light. Can you tell me if you're able to recognize them?
Let's start with this sedan:
Latest Edition: 16/10/2014 @ 23:58:40
Let's start with this sedan:
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Latest Edition: 16/10/2014 @ 23:58:40
Identifying comics cars
Published 16/10/2014 @ 23:36:48, By Mark99
One beautiful Mercedes
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Identifying comics cars
Published 16/10/2014 @ 23:42:17, By Mark99
Two cars in the half light: the first one (in my opinion) is a bit too osbcurated, while the second looks more interesting...
Latest Edition: 16/10/2014 @ 23:42:43
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Latest Edition: 16/10/2014 @ 23:42:43
Identifying comics cars
Published 16/10/2014 @ 23:47:27, By Mark99
A flaming spider (reminds me a Porsche or something similar...) and a (partially visible) car on the left...
Latest Edition: 16/10/2014 @ 23:48:47
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Latest Edition: 16/10/2014 @ 23:48:47
Identifying comics cars
Published 16/10/2014 @ 23:50:27, By Mark99
Rear of the spider.
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Identifying comics cars
Published 16/10/2014 @ 23:54:27, By Mark99
BMW spider in the foreground (maybe a Z3 or a Z4)
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Identifying comics cars
Published 16/10/2014 @ 23:55:59, By Mark99
And finally, a nice coupé:
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Identifying comics cars
Published 16/10/2014 @ 23:57:15, By Mark99
...and front view
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Identifying comics cars
Published 17/10/2014 @ 00:00:07, By Sandie
BMW is a Z3, Porsche looks a lot like a Boxster and the Mercedes is a W116 S-Klasse.
Coupe looks a lot like a Ferrari 456.
Coupe looks a lot like a Ferrari 456.
Identifying comics cars
Published 17/10/2014 @ 23:52:20, By Mark99
Thank you!
Now I'll show you other cars, always taken from this comic book: I recognized only a few vehicles, the rest is too hard for me.
1)The little car in the background looks a lot like an RTwingo;
Now I'll show you other cars, always taken from this comic book: I recognized only a few vehicles, the rest is too hard for me.
1)The little car in the background looks a lot like an RTwingo;
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Identifying comics cars
Published 17/10/2014 @ 23:56:37, By Mark99
2)This one, instead, is really similar to the BMW 3[E36] and behind it, the shape of the Twingo is more evident. Finally, on the right, unknown car.
Latest Edition: 18/10/2014 @ 00:21:27
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Latest Edition: 18/10/2014 @ 00:21:27
Identifying comics cars
Published 17/10/2014 @ 23:58:00, By Mark99
Latest Edition: 18/10/2014 @ 00:21:44
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Latest Edition: 18/10/2014 @ 00:21:44
Identifying comics cars
Published 18/10/2014 @ 00:20:49, By Mark99
Latest Edition: 18/10/2014 @ 00:22:01
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Latest Edition: 18/10/2014 @ 00:22:01
Identifying comics cars
Published 18/10/2014 @ 00:23:18, By Mark99
Finally, three foreground cars:
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Identifying comics cars
Published 18/10/2014 @ 08:15:29, By Gamer
Coupe is a Renault Megane Coach
Identifying comics cars
Published 18/10/2014 @ 13:00:06, By 3loader
3rd is Mercedes SL [R107], i think
Identifying comics cars
Published 18/10/2014 @ 15:24:55, By eLMeR
Finally, three foreground cars:
Your choice:
Most certainly the already seen 308 (of Magnum PI

or 512 BB
Like models, some comics are vague on car design

Identifying comics cars
Published 25/10/2014 @ 15:40:50, By Mark99
Others (from the same comics)
1)Red van:
1)Red van:
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Identifying comics cars
Published 25/10/2014 @ 15:41:55, By Mark99
2)Fire truck:
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Identifying comics cars
Published 25/10/2014 @ 15:44:43, By Mark99
3)Two police trucks (the 2nd looks like a Mercedes):
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